Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh look what I've done!

Today I was thinking of all the fun things I've done in my life and decided to make a top ten list. Not everything on my list is super cool but in my eyes these are the "coolest" things I've been a part of or done!

Top Ten Cool Things

1. I've kissed a dolphin. (Big Island)

2. I have gone to college. (Almost done!)

3. I have held and fed a baby lion. (In Tokyo, Japan)

4. I've lived in 4 very different places: Tokyo, Folsom, San Diego & Idaho (I've covered all my bases-foreign, big city, rural, beach and country)

5. I have had a baby. (a darn cute one too)

6. Been a huge baseball fan. Played shortstop and 2nd base (in 4th & 5th grade) and have loved the SF Giants since age 5. (Favorite player then- Barry Bonds Favorite player now- Pat Burrell)

7. Swam with sting rays. (Cayman Islands)

8. Assembled crystal chandeliers that hang in the Sacramento Temple (so beautiful, time consuming and amazing)

9. Done all sorts of things with my hair (long, short, blonde highlights, red, pure black, perm)

10. 4-wheeled in Kauai.

There are probably other cool things I've done I just can't think of it.

1 comment:

  1. Dang! you've done way cooler things than me! :) jealous. Seriously. lol
