Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Decor

So, Niko and I went on a pumpkin hunt today to pick one out for the apartment. We looked at lots of big ones and he just couldn't decide on one. We ended up looking at pumpkins in front of Wal-Mart and he picked out an adorable baby pumpkin. They were so cheap that I told him he could get another one. He was so proud of his little pumpkins! For now they sit on our microwave!

I have been wanting to do something "Fall-ish" for our door, but had no idea what to do. I wanted to do some kind of wreath, but didn't really like the ones I saw at the store. I came up with this great idea when looking through my little craft bin! The only thing I bought was the wreath, for $1. I had all the other fabric/ribbon/etc. and I made this!

The pictures are not fantastic & I think it's cuter in person, but it is definitely the touch of Fall I needed for our door!

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