Friday, September 2, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Niko has a lot to say lately. He loves to be part of the conversation and can respond to us when we talk to him, which is really nice!

The other day I watched my friend Char's baby boy and was feeding him dinner in his high chair. I put some little veggie puffs on his tray and went to wash the spoon I had just used. I turned around and saw Niko pushing a chair towards the high chair and started eating all the puffs. After Niko stuffed his face, with a full mouth he turned to me and said "The baby wants more food?" Smooth Niko.

This morning Niko was acting up and this is the conversation Niko & Johnny had.
J: Niko, stop! Do you want a spanking?!
N: No, No!
J: Do you want a spanking?!
N: No, daddy I would like some cheese.

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