Monday, September 26, 2011

Today's Favorites

Here Are my favorite happenings of Today!

1. Straightening my hair in less than 10 minutes. Say What?!?! I've never been able to straighten my hair that fast before! New hair cut, I officially love you now.

2. Niko went into the manager's office and just started babbling to her. She listened and smiled, and finally said "Wow, you talk alot!" Niko replied with "Yeah, I know."

3. Watching Niko run through Broulims. People must have thought I had been feeding him candy all day...nope that's just my crazy boy! Watch out!

4. Cuddling under the blankets with Niko and.............Mickey Mouse. I wish I could've gotten a picture.

5. Riding the slide with little guy.

6. Getting Jamba!

7. Getting a message from one of my good high school friends, reminding me of awesome high school memories!

8. And....seeing my new obsession. Oscar you are awesome, but look at this cutie. Don't you need a friend? Simply adorable.

(Pomeranian/Husky Mix)

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