Monday, September 19, 2011

Tears of Frustration then Tears of Joy

So today I was having a rough "hour". Most of the day was great, a typical Monday for me and the little guy. Until...4p.m. ish hit, and everything went crazy! I discovered a colony of ants in our bathroom, Niko had walked across all the fresh folded laundry, even threw my shirts in the air?! I then found out we couldn't appeal our parking boot that got put on our car last weekend, so we'd have to pay that.

Then, I received a baby shower invite in the mail, which is a joyous thing, but me and my baby hungry-ness could not stand knowing I'd have to buy my 5th baby gift in the last 2 months for someone, who wasn't me.

And, to top it off, Niko was angry about something. After, raising my voice to the little boy who was asking for milk, cheese, crackers and cookies all at the same time (oh and wanting the wii)

I had had it and was about to break out in tears of frustration. But, those tears soon turned into tears of happiness when my little angel boy came up to me, and grabbed my hand. No joke. The little boy who I had pretty much just yelled at, grabbed my hand and said "C'mon Mommy. C'mon." I let him lead me, and he led me into the bedroom and said "Let's play ball." He had invented a bowling type game with his toys and ball, and wanted me to play with him. My frustration went away...just like that. How could you not resist him?! We played his game for 10-15 minutes and then I just burst out crying.

How could I be so lucky to have him? Of course, then he asked "Mommy sad?" I gave him a kiss on his forehead and told him "Mommy was not sad, but just being silly." Which, of course he didn't understand, so instead to show him how much I truly love him, we took off to get him some chicken nuggets. His favorite.

I don't know what I did right, but I am so lucky to have the perfect little boy.

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