Thursday, September 1, 2011

“Love is a game that two can play and both win”

Johnny and I celebrated our third anniversary, can you believe it?! Holy smokes, we are getting so old! We had our favorite anniversary yet. My friend Char was great and baby sat Niko for us, while Johnny and I went out and played. We got a whole bunch of tokens and went to the local arcade and played tons of games. As many of you know we are quite the competitive couple. Johnny hates losing, but we both won some and lost some so it was all good : ). We played air hockey, the car racing games, basketball, ski ball, you know, all those fun games that we haven’t played in FOREVER. We had so much fun adding up our tickets and picking out little prizes for Niko. Then, we went out and got some ice cream and took a nice stroll around the park. I loved this because whenever we go on walks we are holding a dog leash, or pushing a stroller, and never get the opportunity to hold hands anymore it seems like. Then, we were able to go out to a movie in the evening. It was seriously the best night ever!
Oh, but the best ending to the night was the whistling I got on our walk home from the theaters. Yep, that’s right. On our anniversary, walking home with my husband I got whistled at with a “Dang, you’re cute” yelled at me. Silly Rexburg boys. Perfect way to end the night, with some good laughs!
So glad we got to spend that time together!!

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