Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our Crazy Boy!

We might not have won the best parents award tonight, because this stunt could've been dangerous, but Niko was having so much fun we could not resist! Niko stood on Johnny's shoulders while he was sitting on the couch and just jumped off! He thought it was the funniest thing ever and loved landing on the comforter and pillows! We got video footage of it, but these pictures will have to do for now.

Christmas Catch Up Time!

We've been busy, but having fun! Here's a little bit of what we've been up to!

Niko got to see Santa and he was not very thrilled about it.

We also went on a sleigh/carriage ride and Niko loved it, even though it was a pretty short ride. He was so patient waiting in line for his turn!

We have been without snow for awhile (the last time it snowed it melted pretty fast)but Niko was ecstatic when it snowed yesterday so of course we had to play outside forever!

Johnny graduated! He's done, woohoo! Still looking for a job, but relieved we're done with school!

Last, I finished another semester working at the preschool. We'll see if Megan needs me next semester, but I loved working with these crazy boys!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be Grateful

I decided I needed a little extra spiritual boost in the day and have picked up my old book "Way to Be" by Gordon B Hinckley. I figured it'd be just what I need, nothing too heavy or hard to understand after putting Niko to bed. Today was the first night and boy what a blessing.

The first chapter is called BE GRATEFUL. Reading it made me think of Niko. The chapter kept talking about saying thank you for everything. I'm lucky to have a little boy who does this all by himself. We don't have to tell him to say thank you, he will say it for every small thing and you can hear that he really means it in his voice! I need to be more like him! A few things from the book that I liked were:

"Gratitude creates the most wonderful feeling."

"The habit of saying thank you is the mark of a cultivated mind."

"Your very attitude toward life can be evidence of whether or not you are truly grateful for life, for the blessings you have, for the comforts and privileges and opportunities you enjoy, for the talents you have been given, for everything."

It is so true. After reading I was thinking about all the things I'm so happy for in life and it put me at peace. I for once totally forgot about my long list of "why me?!" 's and found peace in how truly blessed I am. What a great feeling to have before bed :)

Comparing the two little ones

So I can't believe it, but this pregnancy is moving along so fast! I'm 14 weeks now and officially out of the first trimester! It's interesting how different these 2 pregnancies have already been, and we would be thoroughly surprised if this one wasn't a girl! However, the thought of a girl has started scaring both Johnny and I! We both know how to take care of crazy boys, but.....dolls? And.....make up? Yikes! Well, we'll see! Here's comparing the two pregnancies so far: (and sorry this is boring, it's mostly for me to remember)

Niko: I started getting sick with him 3wks along in the pregnancy and was so sick! It lasted until about 17-18 weeks and really wiped me out. A good day for me was if I threw up only once in a day.

Baby 2: I had one week I felt nauseated, and only threw up once because of the smells down the hall. My neighbor is always cooking yummy food, that smells great, but I can't stand the smell of meat with this pregnancy and when taking out the trash one day I just couldn't hold it in after walking past our neighbor's door and had to run back inside!

Niko: First trimester I lost a ton of weight which worried the doctors since then I was tiny already. I dropped past the 100lb marker with him and it was very scary and so stressful.

Baby 2: At my first appt (8wks)I'd already gained 2 lbs, but I haven't gained any since even though you wouldn't believe it looking at the size of my belly!

Niko: I've heard people complain about having to pee a ton, but not with Niko.

Baby 2: HOLY COW!!!! I'm peeing constantly! It's actually kind of ridiculous, but I always need to!

Niko: Not even close, I could tell but that's it.

Baby 2: I've got a bump, and it's quite noticeable. Actually, you'd have to be blind to not see that thing. And it's up really high, Niko was lower.

Niko: Niko was a doll and actually made my acne go away and made my face clear up perfectly.

Baby 2: This time acne has flared up so much! Ugh, one more thing I have to deal with!

Niko: Not really. One time, I really craved mac n cheese with Niko, but that was only for a few days.

Baby 2: Not really and not yet. One week I craved my pasta salad, and I ate pasta salad for breakfast lunch and dinner until my huge batch was gone.

Niko: I got tons of infections in the first trimester. I got 4 in the first 13 weeks and that was awful. I also got super super emotional.

Baby 2: I had 3 wks of extreme tiredness. I could not make it through the day without a nap. Chest dept grew and hurts a lot, with Niko this didn't happen til 3rd trimester right at the end. I also get headaches quite a bit, which I never usually get and never got with Niko.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First "Real" Snow

So today it snowed, and it snowed, and it snowed.

And Niko was happy, happy, very happy.

Actually, it was a ton of fun, and Niko is in heaven. He had so much fun scooping the snow with his spoon and checking it all out. He spent so much time outside and I basically had to drag him in once it started snowing too hard.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes #3

So Niko says a ton of funny stuff, but the two moments I am in love with are in regards to the baby. I think he gets it! Yay!

#1 I asked Niko if he wanted to say hi to the baby and he then lifted up my shirt, waved at my belly and said "Hi baby hi! I am Niko!"

#2 Niko likes to lift up my shirt and stare at my belly. I think he tries to figure out how there's a baby in there. I always tell him that the baby just likes to sleep in my stomach, which seems to make sense to him. Yesterday we were cuddling and I asked him if he wanted to say hi to the baby and I lifted up my shirt to see the belly. He quickly put my shirt down and patted it and said "Mommy shhh! Baby is napping".

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Um, what?

Hi, little baby in there! Thanks for making me "pooch" already! We can't believe you are already making me show.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Love This!

"The cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears or the sea." -Isak Dinesen

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oscar's New Haircut

We don't even recognize that skinny little pooch anymore!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Baby #2

Well, we are making it public that we're expecting baby #2! While it shouldn't have been a complete surprise, it really was! I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test, I had no reason to really take one and........2 lines showed up!

I didn't believe it so I had to take one of those totally obvious tests, the ones that say Yes or No. Haha.

We had our first ultrasound yesterday and it was so fun to see the little bean in there, measuring at 1.5 cm?! It's truly amazing. Baby #2's due date is the exact same day as Niko's was, which is May 31.

I have been feeling great this pregnancy, or at least completely different than last one. With Niko I was so so sick! Throwing up multiple times a day, dropped my classes for the semester, and was hardly able to do anything except lay down on the couch. This time, I feel a little nausea and it didn't show up until later, but it's still manageable. I also need a nap everyday! Niko is so nice to let me do that during the day, he always stays very quiet for me :)

Cannot wait for my belly and our family to grow!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes #2

More Wonderful Things That Come from Niko's Mouth:

Today Niko ran down the hall yelling "I WANT CANDY! I WANT CANDY! I WANT CANDY!" He sounded like a mad man!

A few days ago Niko and I were driving to the park and the song "From this Moment On" by Shania Twain came on. I started singing and Niko said, "Mom, What the Heck?! Stop it, stop it!" Haha, guess I won't be singing in the car again anytime soon....

Niko is obsessed with pajamas. He wears them to bed, then in the morning puts on a new pair for the day. I can only get him to wear normal clothes sometimes. The other day I asked him to change out of his pjs because we were going to the store and he replied with "My monkey jammies look GREAT!"

That little boy keeps me laughing!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Umbrella Day

Today was an umbrella day!

I have always loved rain so much. Growing up, I used to walk my dog Joey so much more when it was raining outside, I'd go when it was pouring and we even had matching ponchos! I am surprised my love for it has never changed!

Anyways, Niko is at that age where it is SO MUCH FUN to do things with him. We went on a walk today around the neighborhood and he was in love with the umbrella! I could not get enough of him and his obsession! It was so cute!

Checking out the puddles

I kept laughing so hard because Niko was always completely hidden behind his umbrella if he sat down!

Such a fun day with the little guy!

Homemade French Onion Soup!

I love Mimi's Cafe French Onion Soup so much and have tried so hard to find a recipe that made a similar one. After a few failed attempts, I'm pretty sure this is the closest one I'll be able to find. It wasn't perfect but it was still so yummy.

6 large white onions, thinly sliced
3-4 cloves garlic, finely minced
3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil
9 cups beef broth
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/3 teaspoon ground black pepper
8 slices white bread
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
8 slices Gruyere or provolone cheese
Preheat oven to 325°F.
Remove the crusts from slices of white bread. Bake bread pieces 15 to 20 minutes or until lightly golden and crisped. Set aside.
Sauté sliced onions in olive oil over medium heat until onions become translucent but not brown. Add minced garlic cloves to onions during last few minutes, making sure garlic does not brown.
Stir in beef broth and seasonings. Minor’s concentrated soup base beef stock works well for this recipe. If using, follow directions on label for reconstituting. Otherwise use canned or homemade beef broth.
Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. Adjust seasonings to taste adding salt and pepper as required. Remember that Parmesan cheese is salty, so don't overdo with the salt.
Ladle the soup into ovenproof serving bowls, one for each serving. Cover soup with a slice of bread. Top with Gruyère or provolone and sprinkle with Parmesan.
Place serving bowls under broiler set on high. Broil six to seven minutes or until cheese is bubbly and has some browning.
Serve with additional grated Parmesan cheese for sprinkling at table.
Makes about eight servings.

The only bad part about it, was having to cut 6 onions. Even Niko sitting within a few yards of me started crying. I looked pretty bad afterwards!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Birthday Wishlist

Mom this post is just for you! Aren't these aprons adorable? They are from!

And what would go more perfect with an apron, than some cute little soup bowls that can be put in the oven, for let's say some home made french onion soup? Yum!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Best Website Ever!

IKEA. Best store known to man...or should I say woman. Actually no. Everything is super cheap there and cute, so it's good for both the man & the woman! Anyways....I found this website IKEAHACKERS.NET and it has such great ideas on how to spruce up or somewhat modify some of the Ikea furniture to make it more unique and your own. They have some really creative ideas but I absolutely love this side table that someone came up with!

I think it's fantastic, oh and super easy!

I have always wanted to do a somewhat vintage guest room, filled with little Audrey Hepburn things and what not and I think this table would work perfectly in that kind of room.
Here are the supplies needed:
DALOM Pedestal table (ikea)
Newspaper cuttings
PVA glue
paint brush
clear varnish

I checked the website and couldn't find the exact same one this person used, but found one similar on the website for $19.99, so it really would be an easy, cheap, fun project! Can't wait to make this sometime in the future!

Fall Decor

So, Niko and I went on a pumpkin hunt today to pick one out for the apartment. We looked at lots of big ones and he just couldn't decide on one. We ended up looking at pumpkins in front of Wal-Mart and he picked out an adorable baby pumpkin. They were so cheap that I told him he could get another one. He was so proud of his little pumpkins! For now they sit on our microwave!

I have been wanting to do something "Fall-ish" for our door, but had no idea what to do. I wanted to do some kind of wreath, but didn't really like the ones I saw at the store. I came up with this great idea when looking through my little craft bin! The only thing I bought was the wreath, for $1. I had all the other fabric/ribbon/etc. and I made this!

The pictures are not fantastic & I think it's cuter in person, but it is definitely the touch of Fall I needed for our door!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Today's Favorites

Here Are my favorite happenings of Today!

1. Straightening my hair in less than 10 minutes. Say What?!?! I've never been able to straighten my hair that fast before! New hair cut, I officially love you now.

2. Niko went into the manager's office and just started babbling to her. She listened and smiled, and finally said "Wow, you talk alot!" Niko replied with "Yeah, I know."

3. Watching Niko run through Broulims. People must have thought I had been feeding him candy all day...nope that's just my crazy boy! Watch out!

4. Cuddling under the blankets with Niko and.............Mickey Mouse. I wish I could've gotten a picture.

5. Riding the slide with little guy.

6. Getting Jamba!

7. Getting a message from one of my good high school friends, reminding me of awesome high school memories!

8. And....seeing my new obsession. Oscar you are awesome, but look at this cutie. Don't you need a friend? Simply adorable.

(Pomeranian/Husky Mix)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tears of Frustration then Tears of Joy

So today I was having a rough "hour". Most of the day was great, a typical Monday for me and the little guy. Until...4p.m. ish hit, and everything went crazy! I discovered a colony of ants in our bathroom, Niko had walked across all the fresh folded laundry, even threw my shirts in the air?! I then found out we couldn't appeal our parking boot that got put on our car last weekend, so we'd have to pay that.

Then, I received a baby shower invite in the mail, which is a joyous thing, but me and my baby hungry-ness could not stand knowing I'd have to buy my 5th baby gift in the last 2 months for someone, who wasn't me.

And, to top it off, Niko was angry about something. After, raising my voice to the little boy who was asking for milk, cheese, crackers and cookies all at the same time (oh and wanting the wii)

I had had it and was about to break out in tears of frustration. But, those tears soon turned into tears of happiness when my little angel boy came up to me, and grabbed my hand. No joke. The little boy who I had pretty much just yelled at, grabbed my hand and said "C'mon Mommy. C'mon." I let him lead me, and he led me into the bedroom and said "Let's play ball." He had invented a bowling type game with his toys and ball, and wanted me to play with him. My frustration went away...just like that. How could you not resist him?! We played his game for 10-15 minutes and then I just burst out crying.

How could I be so lucky to have him? Of course, then he asked "Mommy sad?" I gave him a kiss on his forehead and told him "Mommy was not sad, but just being silly." Which, of course he didn't understand, so instead to show him how much I truly love him, we took off to get him some chicken nuggets. His favorite.

I don't know what I did right, but I am so lucky to have the perfect little boy.

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Trip to the Zoo

We went to the Zoo and Niko loved it! The zoo is in Idaho Falls and was so worth the money, it was very cute and much better than I thought it would be. Niko was oohing and awwing over the animals!

And of course, we had to spend almost half our time at the cool lion water fountain.

My favorites were the monkeys!

Such a fun day and Niko is already asking to go to the Zoo again!

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Niko has a lot to say lately. He loves to be part of the conversation and can respond to us when we talk to him, which is really nice!

The other day I watched my friend Char's baby boy and was feeding him dinner in his high chair. I put some little veggie puffs on his tray and went to wash the spoon I had just used. I turned around and saw Niko pushing a chair towards the high chair and started eating all the puffs. After Niko stuffed his face, with a full mouth he turned to me and said "The baby wants more food?" Smooth Niko.

This morning Niko was acting up and this is the conversation Niko & Johnny had.
J: Niko, stop! Do you want a spanking?!
N: No, No!
J: Do you want a spanking?!
N: No, daddy I would like some cheese.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

“Love is a game that two can play and both win”

Johnny and I celebrated our third anniversary, can you believe it?! Holy smokes, we are getting so old! We had our favorite anniversary yet. My friend Char was great and baby sat Niko for us, while Johnny and I went out and played. We got a whole bunch of tokens and went to the local arcade and played tons of games. As many of you know we are quite the competitive couple. Johnny hates losing, but we both won some and lost some so it was all good : ). We played air hockey, the car racing games, basketball, ski ball, you know, all those fun games that we haven’t played in FOREVER. We had so much fun adding up our tickets and picking out little prizes for Niko. Then, we went out and got some ice cream and took a nice stroll around the park. I loved this because whenever we go on walks we are holding a dog leash, or pushing a stroller, and never get the opportunity to hold hands anymore it seems like. Then, we were able to go out to a movie in the evening. It was seriously the best night ever!
Oh, but the best ending to the night was the whistling I got on our walk home from the theaters. Yep, that’s right. On our anniversary, walking home with my husband I got whistled at with a “Dang, you’re cute” yelled at me. Silly Rexburg boys. Perfect way to end the night, with some good laughs!
So glad we got to spend that time together!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

One bigger, One smaller

Aren't they a cute pair?! They might be far apart in age (25 & 2)but they know how to have fun together! So much fun to get to hang out with my brothers!

The Newlyweds!

One of my best friends Ms. Leah Satterfield got married! I was so lucky to get to be a part of it all!

Um, did I mention that she looked stunning?!?!

Seeing your friend get married is so exciting! Being asked to be a part of something so great makes me feel so special. Leah is like family to me, we go way back!

Congratulations Leah, you two are perfect together!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wedding Weekend!

Leah Satterfield & Jesse Green are married! More pictures to come~

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Because Making it Public Makes it Happen!

I am making it public that I need to get in better shape! I have been such a junkie this summer and need to stop making excuses and get my little booty moving and grooving and in shape! I might not be HUGE, but I have put on a lot of weight in the last year and I have no excuse. It's not baby weight (I lost all of that)but it's "Erinne Being Lazy" weight. I need to get back to the healthy lifestyle I definitely had before and it starts tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I love Summer! Don't You?

Look at these kids having a great summer afternoon! Before this picture was taken I MIGHT have been jumping on the trampoline with a 10 year old and a 6 year old, and it MIGHT have been super fun.....especially since we put the sprinklers underneath the tramp.